Dental health during pregnancy



Oral health plays the most important part in overall health. Also, it is an important part of pregnancy. During pregnancy, if the dental health is not maintained properly, there is a risk of causing complications like premature birth. A regular dental check-up is the best way to a risk-free pregnancy period. Follow your dentist’s advice especially brush twice a day and floss your teeth once a day.

During pregnancy, special care is needed for teeth and gums. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can increase the risk of developing oral diseases result in causing health issues to the developing baby.  So, before and during pregnancy, maintaining good dental and oral care is becoming inevitable.

Conditions that may occur during pregnancy:

Pregnancy Gingivitis: It is a common condition seen in pregnant ladies. Swollen red gums and bleeding while brushing are common symptoms.

Pregnancy Tumors: These are rarely occurring. Developing in the gums, pregnancy tumors are painless and are not cancerous. They subside shortly after childbirth.

Premature Delivery: Excessive bacteria form oral infections that can enter the bloodstream and may cause premature delivery.

Here are some tips to be followed before, during, and after pregnancy:

  1. Get your teeth and gums checked regularly throughout the pregnancy period to avoid oral infections that can affect the fetus. Brush twice a day and floss before going to bed to prevent plaque buildup.
  2. Sharing the advice of the obstetrician including medication with your dentist will enhance the treatment. Be extremely cautious of all drugs during pregnancy.
  3. Avoid cosmetic or other than pregnancy-related dental procedures during pregnancy
  4. Dental x-rays can be done if it is unavoidable. Always maintain good teeth and gum care.
  5. Avoid Tetracycline since they cause discoloration of your child’s temporary and permanent teeth.

Best pregnancy dental care is offered at Jerush Dental and Facial Corrective Centre at Thuckalay, near Colachel, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu. ‘Jerush’ is known for its world-class dental, facial aesthetic treatments and facilities since 2002.

Frenotomy-Ankyloglossia for infants and older children


Ankyloglossia or Tongue Tie is a condition found by birth in babies that restricts the activities of the tongue.

Symptoms of Tongue-tie:

For Infants: Impact on milk supply Termination of breastfeeding, Baby failing to thrive, Poor bonding between baby and mother, Sleep deprivation Problems with introducing solids,  Gagging Acid reflux

Mothers negative concerns: Pain Nipple damage, bleeding, blanched/distortion of nipples, Mastitis, nipple thrush/blocked ducts, Severe pain with latch/losing latch, Clicking noise Depression, Sleep Deprivation, Children Inability to chew age-appropriate solid foods, Digestion equals growth and development concerns, Gagging, Choking or vomiting foods, Persisting food fads Difficulties, Cleaning teeth with tongue, Drooling/dribbling speech concerns, Behavior problems, Dental problems – mal-occlusion, Self-confidence, reduced feel different, Adults Inability to open mouth wide, affects speech and eating habits, Aware of their speech Inability to speak clearly with talking fast/loud/soft, Protrusion of lower jaws,  prognathism, Social situations, eating out, kissing, relationship concerns Sensitive about personal appearance.

Treatment for Tongue-tie

For decades, ‘Surgery’ has been a custom treatment for babies for the release of the tongue-tie. Several kinds of research of the recent era have revealed contradictory opinions about it, while a worldwide scene is an increase in tongue-tie surgery for removal of poor and painful breastfeeding and thereby causing insufficient weight gain. The researchers complain that the major cause of the painful low milk feeding is due to the low production of mother’s milk and frenotomies (tongue-tie surgery) may result in the early weaning of the baby. But in the case of an older child, surgery will be the answer to fix the anomaly.

Treatment for an older child with tongue-tie @ Jerush

This boy Robert, aged 12, came to our centre to get his tongue tie fixed. His parents know the issues from his birth and they put off the treatment since they found no issues in feeding and some pronunciation troubles. That itself is specifically for ‘sh’, ‘ph’ characters in a phrase. Our surgeon suggested surgery for fixing his tongue tie while the boy and his parents reciprocated it. It took only 25 minutes to carry out the procedure under general anesthesia. Then he was advised with a medication followed by speech therapy. He started doing speech therapy after 6 months and his parents were very happy with the improvement of their son’s speech. Robert enjoyed going to therapy for around 6 months till he could feel his speech is okay. Now he is a confident boy like his colleagues without having any feel that once he had pronunciation issues.

Cost of Dental Implants in South India

dental-implant-fixing Dr Bladbin Anbiah

The global dental tourism surges and India is considered as one of the best destinations in the world. The cost of dental implant treatment and the world-class facility are the main reasons dental tourists’ choosing India for their treatment. Though the cost of a Dental Implant in India is very reasonable, it depends on the type of device that suited to an individual and the type of device they select.

Dental implant device cost differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, and the type of device depends on the bone condition and the health of the nearby tooth of the implant to be placed. There are many illusions airing about the cost of dental implants among people. But the real cost of a dental implant can only be fixed after consultation with a dentist at a dental implant centre. Before deciding a dental implant centre, it is better to consider the following points.

  1. Ascertain if your implant centre has all infrastructure and implant specialist.
  2. Make sure if the centre has a reputation and a good flow of dental implant candidates.
  3. Do make a visit to have a quote, a detailed procedure and the duration of the treatment.

Why choose Jerush for your dental implant fixing?

Jerush Dental and Facial corrective Centre, Thuckalay & Chennai is a renowned name for its quality patient care. It has been a leading dental hospital in South India, since its inception in 2002, witnessing gradual improvement with the blessing of thousands of happy patients in Tamilnadu and across the nation. Dental implant fixing is becoming the norm here. Every month we serve at least 25 cases of dental implants and the number is still increasing. This is the main cause, why we are able to fix the dental implant at a lower cost. ‘More dental implant candidates, more experience and less in price’ is our mantra of success!

Cost of Dental Implant

As previously mentioned, the cost of the device depends on the ‘brand’ and as a dental implant candidate he/she should have a question ‘which brand is good?’ Here comes the practice secret. An experienced dental implant specialist who has a vast knowledge about it only can spell a solid answer for it. We at ‘Jerush’ know well about it and our costs are lower than anywhere in the world. Anyhow our cost of fixing for a single implant ranges from Rs.18,000/- to Rs 25,000 without any compromise in quality. Does this seem surprisingly low?


Bell’s Palsy Disorder

bell's palsy cover

Bell’s palsy, otherwise called acute peripheral facial palsy is assumed as the result of swelling and inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on any one side of one’s face. The cause is still exactly unknown and can occur at any age. It may be sometimes a reaction that occurs after a viral infection.  Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu has a history of successfully treated Bell’s Palsy cases.

A year back, village lady Kanagam(38) visited our center with a misshaped face complaining that she had felt something uncommon on her face from the morning, the moment she had woke up from her bed. ‘I looked in the mirror and I was shocked to see my endangered face’ she added. She could not pronounce her name promptly either.

About Bell’s palsy:

bells-palsy-patient 1.Patient 2. Unable to close the affected side Eye

Bell’s Palsy can occur at any time to anyone. People may sometimes doubt if it is that so-called ‘stoke’. It is a condition that temporarily paralyzes or weakens any one side of the face at a time. Though the exact cause for this condition is still not clear, Doctors believe, it is due to the trauma happening to the facial nerve or the seventh cranial nerve. Scientists suggest that it can be due to viral infections in the body.

Common symptoms of Bell’s Palsy are difficulty in closing the eyelid or blinking, abnormal watering from the eye, Drooling, Difficulty in eating or moving the muscles, twitching of facial muscles, etc.

How our patient was treated?

Our maxillofacial surgeon suggested doing a complete physical examination. After observing the results, our surgeon asked her to close her eyelid on the affected side of her face but she could not do it. This is the best way of confirming if a patient is affected by Bell’s Palsy while all other tests are failed to diagnose this disease. The patient’s ailment was thus concluded as Bell’s Palsy.  Some other tests including X-ray, CT scan, and MRI were done to clarify the diagnosis.

A special medication and a special method of massaging on the face were advised to Kanagam. Applying exercise/massage over the affected side and face is inevitable to retain the normalcy of the facial muscles.  She was also informed about the curing time of her present condition. Kanagam followed our instructions without ignorance. After a three months time gap when she visited our surgeon, her face has retained almost 90% of its shape.



Dental healthcare tips for your kids

kids-dental-check-up kids-dental-check-up

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre is one of the best dental hospitals in Nagercoil, Thuckalay, and Marthandam towns in Kanyakumari district, Tamilnadu.

Preventive dentistry treatments very important for kids since the mouth and its dimension of a child is undergoing changes as the body ages and expanding. Preventive dentistry can make a positive contribution throughout their life! Children are prone to dental diseases like adults if proper oral hygiene is maintained. They also eat sweets, drink juices, and sugary foods.

Here are some important preventive dentistry treatments for kids:

1. Pit and fissure Sealants: An adhesive coating on the chewing surface of the tooth to stop forming cavities
2. Flouride treatment: Application of fluoride on the tooth to combat acid and bacteria that causes decay
3. Daily morning and night teeth cleaning is necessary to eliminate plaque and tartar
4. Space maintainers: This device used to maintain tooth space and stops future orthodontic problems.

You can protect your kid from getting tooth decay by beginning his dental consideration early. Pursue these means to prevent depressions and keep his delightful grin solid.

Some Kids Dental Care Tips

1. Get a check-up every 6 months for your kids

Your kids should see a dental specialist on their first birthday. Early preventive consideration sets aside your cash over the long haul.

2. Avoid ‘Baby bottle Decay’

Try not to put your baby or kid for a snooze with a bottle of juice equation or milk. Sugary fluids stick to his teeth bolstering microscopic organisms that can cause tooth rot.

3. Teach good dental habits to your kids.

Before your baby has teeth, you can gently brush his/her gums using water on a toothbrush or with a soft washcloth.

4. Cut back on the juice

Numerous parents think juice is a sound day-long decision for a beverage, yet it can prompt tooth rot. Utmost, your kid to close to 4 ounces per day of 100% natural product juice, give non-sugary beverages and sustenance at eating times, and use squeeze just as a treat.

5. Control your kid’s Sippy cup

A Sippy cup can help children move from a jug to a glass, yet don’t give them a chance to drink from it throughout the day. Utilizing it in excessive amounts can prompt rot on the back of the front teeth if the beverages are sugary.

6. Ditch the pacifier by age 2 or 3

There are heaps of void justifications to give your child a chance to utilize a pacifier, yet in the long haul; it can influence how his teeth line up. It can likewise change the state of the mouth.

7. Watch out for sweet medicine:

Kid’s prescriptions can be flavored and sugary in the event that they stick on the teeth, the possibility of cavities goes up. Children on drugs for incessant conditions, for example, asthma and heart issues regularly have a higher decay rate. Anti-toxins and some asthma drugs can cause an excess of yeast which can prompt contagious contamination called oral thrush. Signs are rich curd-like fixes on the tongue or inside the mouth.

Facial Accident Care – Mandibular Fracture

Mandibular fracture-cover

Facial Trauma: Mandibular Fracture

Facial fractures are fractured or injured bones anywhere on the face that includes the cheekbones, nose, jaw, and the area around the eyes. Commonly due to the trauma on the face because of accidents by motor vehicles, sports, falls, or fights, etc. Very dramatically due to weakening of bones in the face by dental treatments or conditions

Symptoms of a Facial Fracture?

Symptoms of fractures depend on which bones in the face are injured. Pain, bruising, and swelling are common symptoms of an injured or broken bone.

mandibular-fracture-drawing mandibular-fracture-line-drawing

Mandibular fracture is a fracture through the jaw bone, after an accident, a hit from anywhere or fall onto the chin, or dramatically due to a tumor in the bone. Most appearing cases are male youngsters between the age group of 20-30 and in most cases, the fracture is not single but compounded.  Severe pain, restricted or abnormal mobility of the mouth, damages to teeth and gums, malocclusion, laceration of the skin are common complaints associated with mandibular fractures.

Non-union of Mandible fracture case @ Jerush dental and facial corrective surgery


Here we had treated a young patient named Muthurajan, aged 27 from Nagercoil. He had fallen from a public transport bus while he was stepping down in a hurry, just before the bus stopped. Though outwardly found simple but noticeable injuries on his face, he felt severe pain and unable to move his jaws. He was totally broken and rushed to our center with his friend, a co-traveler. Our maxillofacial surgeon checked him, found lower mandibular fractures with a medium severity, and suggested a treatment plan, ‘Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)’ using mini plates, to be done under general anesthesia. He was admitted to the hospital for a week and the treatment went successful. Mr. Muthurajan was given a medical prescription and advised with tips to protect the development of jaw bone bonding.


Wisdom tooth extraction!


What is Wisdom Tooth?

An impacted tooth (wisdom tooth) is a tooth that is restricted or failed to grow for some reason through the gum.  They are most commonly seen in the third molars at the back of the mouth and have no space to grow normally. Generally, four third molars (wisdom teeth) people will have, two at the top and two at the bottom.

Dental-impaction-types Types of Dental Impaction

Impacted wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth growing in the life of a person. It can cause pain, damage to its nearest teeth, and related dental problems. When the impacted tooth causes pain, it is surgically removed and the removal requires much more effort than the normal tooth extraction since the majority of the tooth remains embedded in the Mandibular bone (lower jaw), leaving only very little tooth substance in the oral cavity.

An impacted wisdom tooth either partially appears over the gum (partially impacted) or never appears but hidden inside the gum (fully impacted).

The impacted tooth grows pointing toward the next tooth (second molar) or pointing towards the back of the mouth or grows at an angle toward the back of the mouth, or toward the right side of the other teeth or straight upward or downward but kept trapped inside the jawbone.

Symptoms of Impacted tooth

Though generally impaction causes pain, red and swollen gums, bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth, pain while opening, chewing, or biting,  very often causes no pain and only an X-ray report can reveal the exact condition.

Impacted premolar for the elderly!

impacted-premolar-balram Impacted-premolar-Balram

We happened to have treated a rare of the rarest impacted premolar case at Jerush dental and facial corrective centre. Mr. Balaram (name changed), aged 59 with an impacted premolar approached us for treatment. Throbbing and pulsating inflammation every now and then was his reason to visit us. An x-ray clearly showed the impacted condition of his tooth. All precautionary measures meant for the extraction of an elderly patient were followed before surgically removing the impacted tooth. Balram smiled at us with gratitude.

Caring your Dentures


How to care for your dentures?

Now you are equipped with a new denture. Here are some tips on how to get the maximum out of your denture!

  1. Please note that the artificial denture is not a fully functional replacement for the natural teeth
  2. Difficulty in chewing and speaking, after placing the Denture will pass on as the user get used to the Denture.
  3. Regarding the aesthetic appeal, just bear in mind, that you yourself are the best judge in assessing the Denture.
  4. In heavy smokers, detention may be less due to the less quantity of saliva produced.
  5. Even the most perfectly placed dentures may sometimes be not satisfactory to the user. This may be due to the psychological condition of the patient for which the dental surgeon is helpless.
  6. After some time, the bony ridges on which the denture rests may undergo changes and become thin with age. This causes denture instability. The maximum life expectancy of a denture is 5 years.
  7. Keep a towel on the base of the sink so that the denture should not break. The outside and inside of the dentures should be cleaned with a soft brush. Clean it at least daily. Message your gums also as this improves the tone and blood supply of the gum.
  8. Soak your denture overnight since it helps to retain the denture’s correct shape. If any special instructions provided by the manufacturer of the denture, please follow it.
  9. Visit your dentist if you feel any discomfort while wearing your denture
  10. Avoid using cleaning solution with strong bleaching chemicals, hard brush for brushing, and hot or boiling water for cleaning.
  11. Handle your device so that no part of it should be lost its real shape.

Denture Experts in Tamilnadu

You are wearing dentures, right? Now you need to ensure routine practice to care for your dentures. We at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre are very much concerned about caring for the denture health of our patients and clients and that is why we are texting this informative blog. Please read carefully and if you have any other queries, do not hesitate to call /contact us. If your denture needs any service or repairs too you can contact or visit us after fixing an appointment. Yes, we are the denture experts in Tamilnadu.


About orthodontic treatment


About orthodontic treatment

What is orthodontics? Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry meant to correct the malalignment of teeth. Braces (brackets), bonding materials, arch wire and ligature are the basic elements needed for orthodontic treatment. The gentle force of the archwire covering the teeth applied on the braces moves the teeth gradually to the desired direction.

What is the procedure involved in orthodontics?

By applying prolonged gentle pressure over the teeth with the use of one or more of orthodontic devices, the malalignment is corrected.

renuga-orthodontic-candidate Renuga-Orthodontic candidate @ Jerush Dental and Facial Corrective Centre

What is the best time for an initial orthodontic consultation?

By the age of 7, when enough permanent teeth have come in, and enough jaw growth has occurred, the child’s orthodontic problems can be identified. The treatment plan can be fixed at the time.

Is the treatment procedure painful? Only mild pain occurs initially and this too can be eliminated by taking medicines. Braces can cause laceration to the tongue and lips if not careful.

Is there any need for extraction? Extraction of teeth before orthodontic treatment is needed only in cases of severe crowding of teeth.

How long do you have to wear braces? That depends on the severity of the case. Anyway, the treatment procedure may last from 8 to 18 months

What all care should be taken while wearing braces? Do not use hard sticky foods. Do not indulge in heavy sports activities like football, boxing, etc. Spend a few extra minutes to clean your braces after meals. Orthodontic brushes are made available especially for that purpose.

The leading Dental Hospital in Kanyakumari District, ‘Jerush dental and Facial Corrective centre, Thuckalay & Chennai provide best braces treatment for all types of misaligned teeth. Highly qualified and skilled Orthodontic consultants are looking forward to serving the orthodontic candidate in a state of the art technology infrastructure, the hospital has.

Orbital fracture

orbit-fracture-cover The swollen eye leash and darkened surroundings.

Around six months back a young man Praveen, aged 25 stepped into our reception with mild pain in his left eye. There was blood in the clear part of his eye and the lower eye leash was slightly swollen. Around his eye, blackish bruising was seen.  He felt uneasy to wait and urged our staff to take him to the doctor. Quickly he was brought before our maxillofacial surgeon. After a talk and a few minutes of check-up, it was found that he was accidentally hit by someone in a violent crowd, though fortunately, no fracture occurred to the rim of his eye.

What Is an Orbital Fracture?

Every eye of us is guarded safely by surrounded bones called orbit or eye socket. When a fracture occurred to this orbit due to an accident or punch by a person or any forced hit from anything (blunt force of injury), is an orbital fracture

What are the orbital fracture types?

If the orbit rim is broken it is called ‘Orbital rim fracture’. Most of the orbital fracture can have other facial injuries.  ‘Blowout fracture’ is a fracture in the floor or inner wall of the orbit, causing damages to the supporting tissues and other structures around the eye due to a hit from anything. When the eye socket floor is pushed downward, due to trauma or blow and caused muscle and nerve damage is called ‘Orbital floor fracture’.

Diagnose and Treatment

Usually, an x-ray and CT scan imaging will reveal the clear depth of the fracture. The normal movement of the eye and the normal vision are also checked.

If the orbital fracture is severe, the patient may suffer double vision, and a need for oculoplastic arises. In some cases, the surgeon may postpone the surgery for a week time to see if any natural healing is noticed in-between to avoid surgery. If the orbital fracture is small, in most cases surgeons may let it heal itself over time after applying an ice pack over the swelling, and medication to continue for a period will be advised.

In our case, since patient Praveen’s orbital fracture is found not severe, some emergency care and medication advice were given. The prescription included antibiotics and decongestant. He attained complete normalcy after ten days.

Jerush Dental and Facial Corrective Centre is one of the leading face hospitals in South India with state of the art facilities. We have a team of eminent surgeons to take care of patients with any sort of dental ailments, facial deformities, and people opting for aesthetic dental treatments and facial aesthetic surgeries. Located at Thuckalay, near Nagercoil and Mathandam, Tamilnadu, from 2002 onwards, ‘Jerush’ is on the go with a simple solid vision! – Providing the best possible health care to everyone approaching our service.

What is Tongue-tie (Ankyloglossia)?


About Tongue-tie

Tongue-tie is an inborn disorder, which may have a genetic factor association. When a soft or thick band of tissues (lingual frenulum) from the tongue attached to the floor of the mouth which restrict the usual function of the tongue is referred to as tongue-tie. A tongue-tied child can have difficulty in eating; speaking, especially newborns may interfere with breast-feeding. Though in some cases found no harm to the normal functions, some are to be corrected by simple surgical procedures.

How it is caused?

When the embryo grows in the womb, the tongue and the mouth bonded together. Gradually the tongue detaches from the floor of the mouth over time and a thin cord of tissue ( the frenulum or lingual frenulum) links the bottom of the tongue to the mouth floor.

While the infant grows, the lingual frenulum thickness recedes to thin and shrinks. Whereas in an infant affected by tongue tie, the frenulum stays thick and no receding occurs that makes it difficult to move the tongue.

tongue-tie-patient 1. The boy with tongue-tie anomaly | 2. A clear picture of the tied tongue to the floor of the mouth

Tongue-tie is commonly found in boys than girls and sometimes in the whole members of a family. Tongue-tie can lead to breastfeeding problems in newborns. Feeding at an abnormal position due to tongue-tie can cause pain in the mother’s nipple and poor lactation to the child. Kids affected by tongue-tie may suffer to spell some specific characters and to sing a song like others. Also, they feel hard to move tongue normally while eating their favourite food like other children without a tongue tie. These conditions will affect children’s self-esteem. Above all tongue-tie will ruin the oral health too. Living with all these challenges is very painful for any kid. Hence, bring your child before the doctor whenever you notice any symptom of tongue-tie is our advice.

Tongue-tie release for a case @ Jerush dental and facial corrective centre

A year before, a 10-year-old boy Thomas accompanied by his parents came to our centre with a complaint of restricted mobility of tongue and speech anomaly. After 3 days, he was admitted in the OT for surgery. Local anaesthesia was administered. During the procedure (frenuloplasty) our surgeon clipped the lingual frenulum to release the tongue. The procedure resulted in suturing the wound and slight pressure applied to stop the bleeding. He was then allowed to back home with medication advice and future appointment date. He did several visits to our hospital and we could notice the gradual improvement. Now we are happy to hear that, the boy’s tongue functions normally.

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre at Thuckalay & Chennai, provides quality treatment and care for Tongue Tie and all ailments in mouth and jaws. Highly qualified surgeons are always ready to serve you in the hospital’s world-class amenities and ambience. Our Thuckalay Centre is very near to the popular towns of Kanyakumari District – Nagercoil and Marthandam.

Halitosis or Bad breath


About Halitosis

Many among us are taking bad breath lightly, ignoring an immediate treatment and have a perception that bad breath is a simple curable disease, contrary to the real unfair situations it can create in a conversation, the possibility of mistaking others on their poor personal hygiene and the real underlying problems of its cause.

Causes of Bad breath:

bacteria-halitosis Halitosis-Bacteria

Bad breath causes are plenty while some are simply manageable. The food or drink you have maybe a reason for it. Food that includes certain spices, garlic, onion, cheese, aerated drinks, canned juices, alcohol etc., can be the cause of bad breath or halitosis. Habits, like smoking or using any form of tobacco, can intensify the bad smell.

Poor Oral hygiene:  It is the common cause of bad breath. Remnants of food stuck on the wall of the mouth, tongue, in between teeth, dentures, braces, retainers or any hidden part of the mouth over time generates bacteria which cause bad odour and related health issues.

Dry mouth: Saliva functions as the best cleanser to our mouth. Dry mouth lacks adequate saliva secretion results in causing bad breath.

Larger health issues:  Halitosis may be a sign to major health issues like diabetes, sinus infection, liver and kidney diseases, gastrointestinal disorders.

Halitosis treatment @ Jerush dental and facial corrective centre:

Halitosis is diagnosed primarily based on the odour along with the help of some clarification we get over the patient’s lifestyle and medicines if taking for any other ailments. Diagnose is considerably easy for our regular dental visitors since we maintain their disease history with us.

Our dentist will suggest a proper solution for your disease which may have a list of medicines, advice to a lifestyle change which can stop your bad breath, or he will refer you to a doctor if you are under any larger health issues. Prior to this, our dentist will do oral prophylaxis (scaling) for a freshen up of the mouth and to check if oral hygiene is the culprit.

Our Overall advice to patients is regular dental visit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.