Dental clinic in Adyar – Sashtrinagar

Dr-Aiswarya-a-Jerush Dr. Aiswarya @ Jerush

A dentists advice for better oral health

Hello friends…

I like to share a few interesting experiences of mine, in my practice. Let’s see it.

During my early stages of clinical practice, I came across an interesting case of a tooth (anterior) that got an appearance of sliced and I enquired about the reason to the patient. Hearing the cause, we were really shocked. Since his central incisor was lengthy in appearance he was trying to slice the tooth with a sharp instrument, which is the reason for this condition. Feeling some sensitivity, the patient reported to the clinic.

It is advisable not to hurt your teeth in any way. Each tooth is more important to be cared for. Do dental treatments from a good practitioner, than to do by oneself.

Have you ever taken medicines for your illness without a prescription by a registered medical practitioner? It is not advisable to take medicines on your own as it causes an adverse effect and drug resistance to the body. For example, the overuse of Paracetamol can cause liver problems. Many patients do take advice from other people and take medicines, which can ever lead to life-threatening conditions.

Being a dental practitioner, I came across another interesting thing that people do teeth brushing three, four or five times as they think it will bring more cleanliness to their teeth. They also think that brushing their teeth for a long period of time will do bring the same benefit. It is advisable to brush your teeth twice daily in a proper brushing technique to avoid unwanted abrasions to the teeth surface and thereby causing sensitivity and toothache.

We have two types of teeth. Mainly deciduous teeth (Milk teeth) and then it is replaced by Permanent teeth. It is seen that people are not giving much importance to their kid’s deciduous teeth, thinking that it will shed down. Of course, it sheds; but be warned, before the particular period, if dental caries occur, it will create severe dental pain for the kids. Avoid sticky food items. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-up will solve this.

Some geriatric patients are using betel nuts for the alteration of severe dental pain. The use of betel nuts can lead to lesions on their oral cavity and long usage can cause even carcinoma on their mouth.

Dental treatment fear has been seen in many individuals which makes them keep their dental problems till it creates big swelling on their oral cavity. As always “prevention is better than cure”. But once it occurs, get dental treatment do as much as earlier to avoid complications. For example, even simple dental caries if untreated can cause severe toothache and then to swelling of the face followed by Dental Trismus (difficulty in mouth opening).

As a dental practitioner, I suggest patients reveal their correct medical history to the dentist before get starting their treatments.

Get a regular dental check-up; get rid of your dental problems!

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre is the leading dental hospital in Tamilnadu. Located at Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, it offers comprehensive dental treatments to the public since 2002. A branch at Sashtrinagar, Adyar, Chennai, was opened on request of the people who were happened to know about the quality services provided at the Thuckalay centre, now offering the same smiles with a ‘jerush’ touch to its patients.

dr-aiswaryaAuthor: Dr. Aiswarya BDS (Reg. No. 20083), A skilled dentist who had passed out with flying colours in her professional studies, serving more than five years at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre. Please click here to read Dr. Aiswarya’s other blogs “Dark Chocolates”

Dental sensitivity


What is Dental Sensitivity?

While enjoying chill ice cream or hot coffee, if you feel pain or sensitivity, your regular coffee and favorite ice cream become loathing. You may feel sensitivity during brushing or flossing.

How dental sensitivity occurs?

The crown of our teeth is covered by a protective outer layer called enamel, which is the hardest and highly mineralized substance in the human body. The roots of our teeth are covered by a calcified substance called cementum. Underneath the enamel and cementum is dentin. Dentine contains numerous dentinal tubules that directly connect to the most vital part of the tooth called the pulp. When dentine of the tooth is exposed to stimuli causes sharp pain or sensitivity.

What are the causes of dental sensitivity?

Tooth-sensitivity-different-types 1. Teeth erosion | 2. Attrition | 3.Abrasion | 4. Recession

Tooth wear:

The surface of the tooth substance can be lost gradually by chemical or acid dissolution called erosion. The person who suffers from Gastroesophageal reflex disease erosion may be seen. When tooth structure is lost due to mastication (chewing) called attrition. The normal aging process, abnormalities in chewing like bruxism, exposed to abrasive dust causes attrition. Mechanical wear of the tooth structure is called abrasion. It causes V or C-shaped notches in the cervical region of the teeth. Faulty brushing techniques misuse of dental floss and toothpick, pipe-smoking may lead to abrasion. This tooth wear causes the sensitivity of teeth.

Periodontal Disease:

When the gum is infected and left untreated, it causes a recession. Poor oral hygiene causes the gum to get separated from the tooth thus infect the cementum and lead to sensitivity.

Dental Caries:

Dental-Caries-Progression Dental-Caries-Progression

Dental caries are one of the causes of dental sensitivity. Once the tooth is invaded by caries, it leads to destroying the hardest and outermost covering of the tooth, thus exposes the dentine. When the caries progress, it causes severe sensitivity to hot or cold drinks and sweets.


The sensitivity of the teeth can be treated. Depending on the cause of sensitivity, treatment varies. After clinical and radiographic examination, initial caries and wear teeth can be restored. For periodontal disease complete scaling and root planning if required gingival graft surgery is done. If the pulp is irritated, then root canal treatment with crown placement is the option. Maintaining good oral hygiene with proper brushing and flossing is recommended.

Dental Hospital at Thuckalay

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre is one of the leading dental hospitals in Thuckalay, providing treatment for dental treatment and all other dental treatments for its patients from Nagercoil, Thuckalay and Marthandam. Our Adyar, Chennai branch also providing excellent dental care treatments.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”, Tooth replacement options for missing teeth” “Dental pain & Root Canal Procedure”

Teeth and Dark Chocolates


Chocolates! Wow. Yummy!!!  We all familiar with chocolates, Diary milk, Perk, Munch…!!!  By hearing those names, we will get salivary flow increased in our oral cavity. But is it healthy for our teeth? The answer is of course “No”. So let us discuss a different term “Dark Chocolates”.

What are dark chocolates?

Dark chocolates are a type of chocolates that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are a substance that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals.

The effects of Dark chocolate
on your teeth?

Yes, dark chocolates are good for your teeth!
Dark chocolate inhibits bacteria from sticking to the teeth, thereby preventing cavities. Not only for the teeth but also it will provide benefits to various other organs to our body.

Dark chocolates every day!!!
It is perfectly healthy to eat raw cocoa nibs, 1-2 ounces of organic dark chocolate, or even half a dark chocolate (for oral hygiene, you should floss after and rinse with mouthwash)
Dark chocolates can also able to neutralize microorganisms that cause bad breath (Halitosis) and prevent bacteria that turning sugar and starch into acid. It can also fight against periodontal diseases.

dark-chocolate Dark Chocolates

Main benefits of dark chocolates:

  1. Highly nutritious due to its high cocoa content. Its soluble fiber content is rich in minerals.
  2. Rich in Antioxidants.
  3. Can increase blood circulation and lower blood pressure levels.
  4. Help to increase the HDL and defends LDL from oxidation
  5. May decrease heart ailment risk
  6. Help to protect the skin from the sunlight
  7. Helps to stimulate brain activity

We may be bitter and less sweet… But we make you healthier.

Jerush dental & Facial Corrective Centre is located just 18 km from Colechal, nearest big town t0 Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District. Please visit for all your dental treatments and/or facial corrective surgery needs at Thuckalay and Adyar, Chennai.

dr-aiswarya Dr. Aiswarya

Author: Dr Aiswarya BDS (Reg. No. 20083), A skilled dentist who had passed out with flying colours in her professional studies, serving more than five years at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre. You can expect more interesting dental blogs of her on this website.

Dental pain and Root canal procedure


Dental pain is the most common symptom of dental caries, trauma, periodontitis, infection, etc. Each tooth has the most vital tissue called the pulp. The Pulp consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. When pulp is violated by infection or trauma, the person may feel pain. The pain will be short sharp or dull aching. Dental pain can also associate with swelling or pus discharge.

For permanent relief from pain, root canal treatment is the option.

Root canal treatment (Root canal therapy)

root-canal- procedure 1. Infected Tooth | 2. The infected pulp is cleaned | 3. The tooth is filled | 4. The tooth is capped

Root canal treatment is the common dental care procedure to save the damaged tooth. The tooth is repaired to retain its normal function. In root canal treatment, the infected pulp is removed, cleaned, shaped, medicated and filled with Gutta Percha( a natural filling material).

Many people have fear root canal treatment procedure, so they leave the tooth untreated.

Root canal treatment is performed under proper local anesthesia for comfortable and painless treatment. The tooth is drilled in a proper position to access infected pulp. Root canals are cleaned and medicated to subside the infection. Once symptoms’ disappear, root canals are filled with natural latex and sealed.

The function of the tooth is thus restored by placing a crown. Maintaining proper oral hygiene will preserve the tooth for a long time.

Jersuh dental and facial corrective centre is located just 20 km from Nagercoil. Our Chennai unit address is, G2, Chandhini Apartment, 29, Mahatma Gandhi Road (MG Road), Sashtri Nagar, Near State bank of India, Adyar, Chennai 600 020. Ph: 94891 60000.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”, Tooth replacement options for missing teeth”

Do’s and Don’ts in Orthodontic Care


Patients under orthodontic treatment face difficulty in cleaning their teeth. Negligence leads to plaque formation, which is the cause of Gum disease, white spot lesions, and cavities. Twice a day brushing is not enough for braces wearers. Your dentist may suggest a soft electric toothbrush sometimes. Care should be taken white taking foods. Hard and sticky foods are avoidable. Say no to nuts till the end of the treatment. Follow your dentist’s instructions carefully for the desired success of your treatment.

Some Do’s and Don’ts
to take care of your braces

orthodontic brushing Brush after every meal
with your dentist prescribed
playing-with-braces Avoid playing with
your braces.
interdental-brush Use an interdental brush
for cleaning in between
brackets and under the wire.
no-sugar Avoid eating sugary,
sticky or hard foods.
Mouthwash Rinse with 15ml mouthwash
or as directed by your dentist.
no-boxing Don’t engage in sports
like boxing & wrestling
orthodontic-care-wash Use wax if your brace is
rubbing against the inside
of your cheeks or lips.
dont-bend-braces Don’t hold braces by
the wires or bend them.
broken-brace Contact the Orthodontist
if you lose or break your
dont-broke-braces Don’t leave your braces

Jerush dental and facial corrective Centre is one of the leading providers of orthodontic care, since 2002. Manalikkarai, Kumarakovil, Moolachal are the nearest places of Jerush dental and facial corrective centre, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu. Our Chennai unit is at Sashtrinagar, Near, State Bank of India, Adyar.

Teeth replacement options for missing teeth


Healthy teeth give you the most attractive smile. Teeth are also important for chewing and speaking. Every tooth in the oral cavity has a unique function. Missing one is very unfortunate. Teeth loss can be due to trauma, periodontitis (gum disease), genetic condition, a decayed tooth, etc. If the particular missing tooth is not replaced, then it may lead to shifting of the adjacent tooth, trauma from occlusion, periodontitis, mobility, etc.

tooth-replacements 1. Dental Implant 2. Fixed partial denture (Crown & Bridge) 3. Removable denture

The following are the teeth replacement options:

  1. Dental Implant
  2. Fixed partial denture
  3. Removable denture

Dental Implant

  1. Dental implant is the best option for replacing missing teeth as it is the permanent solution.
  2. Dental implant not only duplicate crown of the tooth but also root by titanium metal post.
  3. Dental implant resembles a natural tooth and lasts longer.
  4. The chewing efficiency with dental implant is greater.
  5. Dental implant are more stable retentive.
  6. Dental Implant provides good esthetic and great comfort.
  7. Dental implant prevents bone loss.

Apart from so many advantages, dental implant has some disadvantages. Dental implants are contraindicated in uncontrolled diabetic patients and smokers. It is considerably costly and involved long procedures.

Fixed partial denture (FPD)

A fixed partial denture replaces single or multiple missing teeth. Fixed partial denture takes the support of adjacent teeth or implant and bridges the gap caused by missing teeth. Fixed bridges are resin retentive. It looks and functions like natural teeth. Fixed partial dentures are cheaper than dental implants.  Some disadvantages are, it is difficult to maintain proper cleaning of the dental bridge.  It may cause damage to the adjacent healthy tooth.

Removable denture

Removable denture replaces one, two or complete set of teeth. It can be removed and inserted by the patient’s own wish. Removable dentures are cheaper than dental implants and fixed partial dentures. The removable denture should be cleaned daily with a soft brush and soaked in a cleaning solution or water. Some disadvantages are, practice is required for insertion and removal of a partial denture. Some patients feel uncomfortable in the beginning and will become accustomed to using it.

Jerush dental and Facial Corrective centre is located at Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, near Azhagiamandapam and Kulasekharam. Palliyadi, Karungal, Marthandam are the nearest places. Please click here to fix an appointment with our Thuckalay Centre. Another unit is functioning at Sashtrinagar, Adyar, Chennai. Please click here to fix an appointment at Chennai centre.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”

Smoking & Oral health – Dental Clinic near Azhagiamandapam, Thiruvithamcode

Smoking and oral health cover

An Article by the Dental clinic near Azhagiamandapam and Thiruvithancode – jerush Dental & Facial Corrective center.
Smoking is considered a major risk factor for lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, and poor oral health. 

Effect of smoking in the oral cavity:

dangers-of-smoking Dangers-of-smoking
  1. Black or brown stained teeth
  2. White patches inside the mouth (Increased risk of leukoplakia)
  3. Early tooth loss
  4. Gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss
  5. Severe bone loss within the jaw
  6. Bad breath
  7. Failure of dental implant
  8. More calculus formation
  9. Poor healing after tooth extraction
  10. Loss of taste and smell
  11. Inflammation at the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth
  12. Oral cancer

How to quit smoking

  1. Remove cigarette packets or beedi from the home/office
  2. Avoid places where smoking products are available
  3. Encourage other smokers around you to quit the smoking habit
  4. Avoid alcohol
  5. Psychological counseling
  6. Eat nuts, fruits, drink water, take a walk, do exercise when you have a craving to smoking
  7. Nicotine replacement therapy) (Gums, patches, inhalers, spray, lozenges)
  8. Dental Treatment

Why quit smokeless tobacco products too?

Smokeless tobacco products contain a strong chemical that can increase the risk of oral diseases including oral cancer at the throat and esophagus. Chewable tobacco products contain a higher nicotine level than cigarettes that make one addicted to them. Off these snuff has the highest level of nicotine.

The smokeless tobacco products can cause your gums to recede and thereby tooth roots will get exposed and decayed gradually.  The teeth will become sensitive to food temperature that will make your eating uncomfortable.

Jerush dental and facial corrective center is one of the leading dental hospitals in Thuckalay, South India, Tamilnadu, Kanyakumari District. Azhagiyamandapam and Thiruvithamcode are the nearest towns to Thuckalay.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis” “Smoking and Oral Health”

Oral Habits-Dental Hospital Monday Market, Eraniel


‘Jerush’ is a Dental Clinic near Monday Market & Eraniel, for treating Oral Habits

Oral Habits:

Oral habit is when an individual has frequent repetition towards an act that causes a defect in dental and facial structure.

What are bad oral habits?

Thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, bruxism, nail-biting lip biting, cheek biting, bobby pin opening, etc.

What happens if your children have bad oral habits?

  • Forwardly placed front teeth.
  • Spacing between teeth.
  • A gap between upper and lower arch teeth
  • Speech defect
  • Mal-alignment of teeth
  • Bad breath, Gingivitis, etc.
Oral habbits in children Oral habits in children

Treatments for oral habits?

Thumb sucking or Digit sucking:

  • It is considered normal up to 2½ years to 3 years.
  • Psychological counseling is needed.
  • A bitter flavored agent applied to the finger ( Cayenne, pepper, quinine, asafetida)
  • Long sleeve nightgown
  • Ace bandage
  • Orthodontic habit breaking appliance.

Tongue thrusting

It is a condition when the tongue makes contact with any teeth during swallowing:

  • Training to correct swallow and posture of the tongue
  • Pre orthodontic trainer
  • Speech therapy
  • A removable and fixed orthodontic appliance


It is a habitual grinding of teeth when the person is not chewing or swallowing. It may be caused due to stress, occlusal disturbances etc.

  • Psychological counseling
  • Occlusal splint
  • Occlusal adjustment
  • Restore the damaged teeth

Lip biting, cheek biting, nail-biting

  • Educate the patients to give up such habits
  • Removable habit-breaking appliances

The identification and managing the cause according is important.

Jerush Dental Clinic

We at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre provide all habit-breaking appliances and treat all ailments caused by bad oral habits in children. ‘Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre’ is located at Thuckalay, near Nagercoil and Marthandam in Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India. Eraniel and Monday Market (Thingal Nagar) are the nearest towns.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques” “Bad breath or Halitosis”

Bad Breath or Halitosis – Dental clinic Adyar


Bad breath Cure – Jerush Dental Clinic Adyar

Bad Breath

Bad breath is also called halitosis. Bad breath is the offensive or unpleasant odor from the mouth. It often leads to embarrassment and also an individual’s social interaction.

Halitosis has a negative impact on an individual’s social life. The worst thing about halitosis is the person who is affected by halitosis may not aware of his condition. Only by his or her partner or family member can identify it. Knowing this leads the affected person to distress thus he or she may avoid socializing.

Did you know bad breath can be treated?
Bad breath can have multifactorial causes. Some of them are:

Intraoral: Gingivitis, periodontitis, open carious lesion, poor oral and dental hygiene, inadequate dental restoration, pericoronitis, peri-implantitis, candidiasis, bacterial coating of tongue, dry mouth, stress, smoking, tobacco chewing, mouth breathing, unbalanced diet, coffee, alcohol consumption, aromatic food (garlic, onion), improper cleaning of the prosthesis.

Extraoral: Nasal drip, sinusitis, diabetes, metabolic or hormonal problems, lung disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal pathology, some medications, illusional bad breath.

Identifying the cause and treatment planning will be more effective.

Treatment for Bad Breath / Halitosis

  • Oral hygiene maintenance: 1. Brushing 2. Flossing 3.Tongue scraping

    bad breath-halitosis Bad breath treatment Nagercoil, Thuckalay

  • Professional dental prophylaxis: Scaling and root planning-
  • Proper medication and control of the systemic disease.
  • Mouth wash: Chlorohexadine, Listerine
  • Malodor mask: Chewing gum, Mouth spray, Lozenges
  • Stop smoking and tobacco chewing
  • Stay hydrated

Bad breath is a common problem. Treating bad breath is important as it improves a person’s social or professional life and also increases self-esteem.

Jerush Dental and Facial Corrective Centres are located in Thuckalay, Kanyakumari Dist., Tamilnadu, and Near State Bank of India (SBI), Sashtri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai. “Jerush’ is a leading hospital for dental and facial corrective treatments in South India, since 2002.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. M. Jovitta, Pediatric /Preventive Dental Health Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre

Click to read Dr. Jovitta’s other blogs: “Why flossing is important” “Brushing Techniques”

Brushing Techniques by Dental Hospital Kanyakumari District


Brushing Techniques by Dental Hospital Kanyakumari District.

Brushing teeth is an important practice in our daily life. For a healthy mouth and smile, dentists recommend the following …

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle brush. The size of your brush should suit your mouth allowing you to reach all areas easily.
  • Change your toothbrush every three months or sooner if the bristles are shabby. A worn-out toothbrush won’t do a good job of cleaning your teeth.
  • Make sure to use your dentist recommended fluoride toothpaste.
brushing-techniques Brushing-techniques-Illustration

Why follow the dentist’s recommended brushing techniques?

The mouth is the gateway to your overall health. Proper brushing can keep your teeth and mouth healthy. Several methods were tested by healthcare scientists for maintaining good oral health and recommended the best option that can keep your teeth, gums, and entire oral cavity healthy. Sensitivity while brushing, bleeding gum is probably caused by wrong brushing techniques.

What is brushing?

Brushing means removing debris and plaque from the teeth with a brush. Brushing twice a day, i.e., morning and evening helps to prevent dental caries and gum disease.

How to brush correctly?

  1. Toothbrush bristle should be placed on the cervical portion of the teeth and partially on the gingival sulcus at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Move the brush back and forth gently in short strokes without dislodging the tips of the bristles.
  3. After 20 strokes, sweep the bristles downwards over the tooth surface occlusal.
  4. Press the bristles firmly on the occlusal surface. Activate the brush into twenty short back and forth strokes. Repeat this in all the quadrants of teeth.
  5. Repeat this method in all the quadrants of the teeth.
  6. On the lingual and palatal aspect of the anterior teeth, the brush is pressed into the gingival sulcus and proximal surface at a 45-degree angle and do 20 upward downward stokes

Jerush Dental & Facial Correctvice Centre is a leading Dental Hospital in Kanyakumari District. Located at Thuckalay, near Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India. Karungal is the closest town to Thuckalay.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. Jovitta M, Pediatric/Preventive Dentalcare Expert,
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu.
Click here to read Dr. Jovitta M’s other Blog

Oral Hygiene and importance of flossing


Why oral hygiene?

Brushing is a good oral hygiene practice. Right! But do you know brushing alone can’t keep the oral cavity clean? Yes, forget not, to do ‘flossing’.  Flossing can clean the areas where brushing cannot do. Daily twice brushing and at least one-time flossing are considered good practices.

Oral Health

Oral health maintenance is important for all people of any age. Good oral health and regular visit to a dentist helps people to lead a happy and healthy life. Brushing and flossing are the most important way to the healthy oral cavity.

Conditions linked to poor oral health?

If your oral health is poor it can contribute to several diseases and conditions including
• Endocarditis: An infection of the inner lining of your heart chambers or valves (endocardium) commonly develops when germs from another part of your body, such as the mouth, spread through the bloodstream and adhere to certain areas in your heart.
Cardiovascular disease: Many research findings say that heart disease plagued arteries and stroke might have a link to the oral bacteria.
• Pregnancy and birth complications: Periodontitis/ Gum disease has a link to premature birth and an infant’s low birth weight (LBW).
• Pneumonia: Oral bacteria passing through your lungs can cause pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
Apart from the above conditions, people with poor oral hygiene are at the risk of certain other conditions like Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.

What is flossing:

Flossing-steps Flossing Steps

Flossing helps in removing plaque and debris between teeth, where the brush can not reach.

Types of flossing: There are four types of flossing viz. 1. Waxed 2. Unwaxed  3. Flavoured and 4. Plan.
How often should we do flossing?  Daily!

Steps of flossing:

  1. Take a string of floss about 18mm and wrap it around both middle fingers.
  2. Grab the floss between the thumb and index finger of both hand
  3. Gently guide floss between teeth by using zig-zag motion. Gently wrap floss around the side of the teeth.
  4. Slide the floss up and down against both tooth surfaces under the gumline.
  5. Floss all the teeth including last teeth on each side.

Similar flossing Tools: Flossing holder, Floss thread, Oral irrigator, Interdental brush

Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre is located at Thuckalay, near Marthandam, Tamilnadu, India.

dr-jovitta Dr-Jovitta

Author: Dr. Jovitta M.
Dr. Jovitta M. is responsible for a chair on the 3rd floor at Jerush Dental and Facial Corrective Centre. She has been a skilled dentist with a keen interest to learn new things in dentistry.  Her expertise in pediatric dentistry did remarkable growth in gaining smiles of happy child patients stepping out with their parents.

Arthritis Patients and Dental Health concerns!

arthritis-dental-care-header Arthritis and dental care in Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective Centre, Thuckalay

Several studies have shown the connection between Arthritis and dental problems. Periodontitis (Gum disease) and Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) are common oral diseases found in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, avoiding foods that build plague easily, seeking timely dental advice are key points to be followed by RA patients.

Conditions that caused by Arthritis

  • Sjogren’s syndrome is a condition due to Arthritis which damages the salivary gland and causes inflammation. This may lead to dental cavities, dry mouth, eating difficulty, and sometimes tooth loss.
  • Temperomandibular joint (TMT) also be affected by Arthritis, making it painful while opening and closing your mouth.
  • Bacterial infection due to Arthritis can cause swelling on the gums over the jaw, and be the reason for severe pain, fever around the jaw.
  • A white layer of fungal infection may appear on the tongue or around and inside of cheeks.
  • Rare possibility to occur mouth ulcer also.

On what all reasons arthritis patients need to visit their dentist?

  1. When properly caring/brushing teeth is more complicated, patients need to seek the dentist’s advice. Arthritic patients with any of these conditions such as hand deformity, finger contractures, wrist fusions, painful elbows, etc., who suffer to cope with proper brushing need their dentist’s advice for alternative cleaning procedures.
  2. Arthritis patients when they feel jaw pain or severely limited range of motion, which restricts the jaw motion should immediately visit the dentist for advice.
  3. When the bacteria from an arthritic patient’s mouth enter the bloodstream, through a cut in their mouth from any way or simply brushing will harm the overall health. Fixing this condition insists upon a dentist’s advice.
  4. When arthritis patients are at higher risk for developing root caries, a visit to your dental office only be the best option to fix it.
  5. When dry mouth occurred as a symptom of certain diseases, occurred as a side effect of some medications, please visit your dental office without delay.
  6. Arthritic patients, when they have had their joint replacements are strictly advised to have regular dental check-ups.