A dentists advice for better oral health
Hello friends…
I like to share a few interesting experiences of mine, in my practice. Let’s see it.
During my early stages of clinical practice, I came across an interesting case of a tooth (anterior) that got an appearance of sliced and I enquired about the reason to the patient. Hearing the cause, we were really shocked. Since his central incisor was lengthy in appearance he was trying to slice the tooth with a sharp instrument, which is the reason for this condition. Feeling some sensitivity, the patient reported to the clinic.
It is advisable not to hurt your teeth in any way. Each tooth is more important to be cared for. Do dental treatments from a good practitioner, than to do by oneself.
Have you ever taken medicines for your illness without a prescription by a registered medical practitioner? It is not advisable to take medicines on your own as it causes an adverse effect and drug resistance to the body. For example, the overuse of Paracetamol can cause liver problems. Many patients do take advice from other people and take medicines, which can ever lead to life-threatening conditions.
Being a dental practitioner, I came across another interesting thing that people do teeth brushing three, four or five times as they think it will bring more cleanliness to their teeth. They also think that brushing their teeth for a long period of time will do bring the same benefit. It is advisable to brush your teeth twice daily in a proper brushing technique to avoid unwanted abrasions to the teeth surface and thereby causing sensitivity and toothache.
We have two types of teeth. Mainly deciduous teeth (Milk teeth) and then it is replaced by Permanent teeth. It is seen that people are not giving much importance to their kid’s deciduous teeth, thinking that it will shed down. Of course, it sheds; but be warned, before the particular period, if dental caries occur, it will create severe dental pain for the kids. Avoid sticky food items. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-up will solve this.
Some geriatric patients are using betel nuts for the alteration of severe dental pain. The use of betel nuts can lead to lesions on their oral cavity and long usage can cause even carcinoma on their mouth.
Dental treatment fear has been seen in many individuals which makes them keep their dental problems till it creates big swelling on their oral cavity. As always “prevention is better than cure”. But once it occurs, get dental treatment do as much as earlier to avoid complications. For example, even simple dental caries if untreated can cause severe toothache and then to swelling of the face followed by Dental Trismus (difficulty in mouth opening).
As a dental practitioner, I suggest patients reveal their correct medical history to the dentist before get starting their treatments.
Get a regular dental check-up; get rid of your dental problems!
Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre is the leading dental hospital in Tamilnadu. Located at Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, it offers comprehensive dental treatments to the public since 2002. A branch at Sashtrinagar, Adyar, Chennai, was opened on request of the people who were happened to know about the quality services provided at the Thuckalay centre, now offering the same smiles with a ‘jerush’ touch to its patients.
Author: Dr. Aiswarya BDS (Reg. No. 20083), A skilled dentist who had passed out with flying colours in her professional studies, serving more than five years at Jerush Dental & Facial Corrective centre. Please click here to read Dr. Aiswarya’s other blogs “Dark Chocolates”